Latina book and lifestyle entrepreneur


Literary & Lifestyle


Host, Speaker, Writer,

Creator & Founder

Where I’ve Been:

Latina Book Advocate

I’m a trusted go-to source for Latine book recommendations, marketing and connections. My love for books started as a kid trying to escape the tumult at home. Over the course of years, my book experience has come to include building a Latinx-focused boutique publishing company, hosting one of the largest Latina book clubs in the country, and becoming a trusted sounding board for writers at all stages of their career. These days, you can find me curating book recommendations, connecting brands with authors, and dreaming up book experiences. I also meet with studios, publishers and tastemakers to help them find the book they need to read. And of course, you can always find me with a Latino book close at hand.

Latina books and lifestyle

Where Should You Find Your Next Book Quiz

These days there are so many places where you can grab a book. But have you consciously thought about what’s the best fit for you given who you are as a reader? This short quiz gives you insight on what might be the best place for you to pick up your next favorite title - you might be surprised to read the result!

My Mission

My mission is to amplify the work of Latine storytellers to help create a more nuanced representation of our community. I believe that our stories can empower, inspire and change the world.

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